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On leave

t Hellegat will be closed from Wednesday 16/08/23 to Friday 31/08/23.

We will be open again on Friday 01/09/23.

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En congé


t Hellegat sera fermé du mercredi 16/08/23 au vendredi 31/08/23.

Nous sommes de nouveau ouverts le vendredi 01/09/23.

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Van 09/07/24 t.e.m. 18/08/24 hebben wij aangepaste openingstijden:
Maandag: gesloten
Dinsdag t.e.m. zaterdag: 18u
Zon- en feestdagen: 11.30u


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Enter your name and contact details here. Ask your question or book on this page. Your reservation is only valid after confirmation by phone

Anja & Kristof